Sunday 9 March 2014

Of Cravings and Coursework


Teringinn. Sangat teringin.

Tapi busy sangat :( Insha'Allah will try this friday.

Kek Pisang 

With love,
Khodijah Rom

Thursday 6 March 2014

10 Weeks Countdown :)


10 Weeks from now.

Jeng. Jeng. Jeng.

Final exam starts 10 weeks from now, so does motherhood *gulp*

Definitely nerve wrecking. Am I ready? Am I really ready? Definitely can't say for sure. But surely, Allah kan ada :)

So what is my strategies? With exams, dissertation, baby and my responsibility as a wife as well.

Alhamdulillah, after speaking to program director, they allowed me to postpone my exam should the baby decided to pop put during exam week. So here is second thought, what about the baby and dissertation, and later the exam? To be honest, I have not figure it out. I believe Allah will definitely give what is best for me and surely will not give something to His slave without any help or hikmah. So, I decided to go with the flow. That being said, it doesn't mean I just angkat kaki and sleep all the time.

Began researching now and start studying early. In shaa Allah. Only to Allah we ask, and only Him can help.

Motherhood and Fatherhood

So what's that? What does it mean to me and husband? Well,sometimes we can't believe that we are going to be a parent real soon! Of course, we are excited and all, but still, it's quite a nerve wrecking experience.

In shaa Allah, moga ini terbaik bagi agama kami serta urusan kami. Moga Allah permudahkan segalanya. Moga Allah membalas jasa baik suami saya yang sentiasa sabar dengan kerenah isterinya. Dan moga Allah memberi rahmat, mawadah, dan sakinah dengan kehadiran orang baru 10 minggu dari sekarang. In shaa Allah


With love,

Khodijah Rom