Tuesday 26 December 2017

The Science of Failure

When I was 17, I remember my father gave me a book to read.

The book was Dare to Fail by Billi Lim.

When I read the first time, I could not relate.

It was rubbish.

It was nonsense.

To be honest, I never failed.

I never understood what failure feels like.

I was never in the bottom in a class.

Academic failure is not part of my life.

So, the book is not speaking in my language.

As I grew up, I understand to appreciate struggle.

Don't get me wrong, I always work hard.

Working hard is in my DNA.

But when I work hard, I always see results. And that to me is a success.

I understand that sometimes it just doesn't work.

Sometimes you need to let go.

Sometimes it is okay to slack off a bit.

Sometimes it is okay to FAIL.

It is a big word, but at one point in our life, we need to appreciate FAILURE.

So, let's celebrate FAILURE and come out stronger.

What is your biggest FAILURE?

Wednesday 8 April 2015



Hari ini kira-kira dah 1 tahun 8 bulan saya bergelar seorang isteri. 

Bagi saya, kehidupan rumah tangga penuh manisnya. Alhamdulillah. Tapi kadang-kala ada pahitnya juga. Oops, pahit sekejap je. Bergaduh itu adalah asam garam. Tapi sebagai seorang isteri, tidak dinafikan kadang kala emosi tu terlebih. 

Dan, lelaki mestilah pandai, bijak dalam memutarkan kata-kata agar hati seorang isteri tidak terasa emosi. 

kadang-kala nak ketawa pun ada bila baca Rules for Happy Marriage. Betul jugak kalau difikirkan. Banyak kali bila gaduh, kita cepat sangat melatah. Dua-dua on fire, ultraman lah jadiknya.

Patutlah org ckp kahwin ni bukan benda yang boleh dianggap mudah dan senang. Tapi manisnya bila kita benar-benar sabar, memang ada in shaa Allah.

Suami dan Isteri masing-masing ada peranannya. Dan semuanya kembali pada Allah s.w.t. Sebagaimana perkahwinan itu disatukan dengan izinNya, kita harus sentiasa meminta dariNya agar perkahwinan kita sentiasa terjaga dan dilindungi dari anasir kurang baik.

Dalam Al-Quran, surah Yassin, Allah ada menyebut bahawa Allah ciptakan kita berpasang-pasangan. 

Dan, saya harap saya dan pasangan sentiasa berbahagia sampai ke syurga. Ameen. 

Dan kuncinya adalah keredhaan dariNya dan juga kesabaran. Hehe. 

To end this write up, semoga doa di bawah menjadi amalan harian kita ye sama2 dan semoga perkahwinan kita semua sentiasa dalam lindunganNya. 



Friday 25 April 2014

Choices (Pilihan)


Life is all about choices. Every day we woke up, we make a new decisions in life. There are bad choices and good choices. But, always believe that there is a reason behind every choices that you make. It is my personal aim, to wake up everyday and to make a good choice to myself personally. 

1. I choose to make new aims  
2. I choose to treat others as good as I can 
3. I choose to be a better muslim 
4. I choose to be overcome my bad habit 
5. I choose to make doa not only for myself, but for others as well.
6. I choose to cook everyday even if it is a simple meal 
7. I choose to give 
8. I choose to keep my house clean and tidy 
9. I choose to strengthen my relationship with family 

These choices may seems trivial or easy, but there are times when I am struggling with keeping up with it. There are times when I choose to do nothing and regret it later. 

It is true that too little stress is actually bad for human being as we tend to choose to do unproductive things instead of doing productive things. As a result, we  ourselves feel lethargic, feel old, feel fatigue by choosing not to do anything. 

Life is all about choices. Choose the right one and make doa for good choices. 


Sunday 9 March 2014

Of Cravings and Coursework


Teringinn. Sangat teringin.

Tapi busy sangat :( Insha'Allah will try this friday.

Kek Pisang 

With love,
Khodijah Rom

Thursday 6 March 2014

10 Weeks Countdown :)


10 Weeks from now.

Jeng. Jeng. Jeng.

Final exam starts 10 weeks from now, so does motherhood *gulp*

Definitely nerve wrecking. Am I ready? Am I really ready? Definitely can't say for sure. But surely, Allah kan ada :)

So what is my strategies? With exams, dissertation, baby and my responsibility as a wife as well.

Alhamdulillah, after speaking to program director, they allowed me to postpone my exam should the baby decided to pop put during exam week. So here is second thought, what about the baby and dissertation, and later the exam? To be honest, I have not figure it out. I believe Allah will definitely give what is best for me and surely will not give something to His slave without any help or hikmah. So, I decided to go with the flow. That being said, it doesn't mean I just angkat kaki and sleep all the time.

Began researching now and start studying early. In shaa Allah. Only to Allah we ask, and only Him can help.

Motherhood and Fatherhood

So what's that? What does it mean to me and husband? Well,sometimes we can't believe that we are going to be a parent real soon! Of course, we are excited and all, but still, it's quite a nerve wrecking experience.

In shaa Allah, moga ini terbaik bagi agama kami serta urusan kami. Moga Allah permudahkan segalanya. Moga Allah membalas jasa baik suami saya yang sentiasa sabar dengan kerenah isterinya. Dan moga Allah memberi rahmat, mawadah, dan sakinah dengan kehadiran orang baru 10 minggu dari sekarang. In shaa Allah


With love,

Khodijah Rom

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Walking down the memory lane


It's been 1 year 1 month and 18 days since I left Iowa.

University of Iowa,
Iowa City,

A place that taught me how to love, to give, to be loved and to strive

A place that makes my tears running

A place that carve smiles on my face

A place that makes me understand the meaning of friendship.

A place that taught me forgiveness

A place that makes me appreciate islam more than ever

A  place that makes me realize family is my biggest importance

A place that taught me the meaning of loyalty.

A place I called my second home

Overlooking the Iowa River. My favorite walk each time after pilates. 

Known as Pentacrest. The walk from English Philosophy Building to the Pentacrest sometimes is way too challenging especially in the winter

   Old Capitol, Iowa City at distance 

Sheffield Hall and Autumn <3

Kak Shida(center) and Amirah Azhari(the first on the right) Missing: Abg Azhari, the second family :) 
Khadijah(the first on the left) & Hana(second on the left), the hyperactive housemates ever <3

May this memories remain.

May Allah strengthen the relationship.

P/s:  Second part to be posted


With love,
Khodijah Fatonah

Sunday 16 February 2014

Allah Knows


This song motivates me. Makes me cry, Makes me more determined, Makes me calm.

And it works as my alarm too :)

So, here it is;